Weekend Warriors/Workout Addicts/Athletes (30's)

I am 45, and have been working out 4 or 5 times a week since i was 16. In my 30s i was always listening to the older guys and their "your metabolism slows down" comments. I always thought it was BS.

But i started paying attention to it, and they were right. About age 43 or so i noticed i had less energy and had to work out harder at the gym.

I have been adhd/ADD my whole life, so i could be physically tired, but in my head i feel like i could run a marathon. I refuse to give up, even though i feel like sometimes instead of going to the gym, i could work on my car, or lay around and watch a movie. For me working out has been a drug, but its kinda gotten harder to convince myself to go workout, but i kick my butt and go anyway. I refuse to give into myself sometimes.