Growing up my dad was right in there helping us with our cars, great memories. So I was all excited to past the good time to my boys. Both of the boys got cars. So after work every night we would go out and work on the cars. Cutting sanding, painting. All of the tricks that my father taught me. It was the night of the race. We get to the school where the event was being held. All the cars. My boys was trash talking with all their friends. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!! They lined the cars up for the race. Where was no weigh in. They didn't keep track of who won. When the night was over, everyone got a piece of paper stating what class they won. One of my boys won shinyest tires, the other won cleanist car. What the hell. But we still have memories and good times about building the cars. We still laugh about it. Don't want anybodys feels bads to get hurt. Everyones a WINNER! What a load of crap.