1965 Valiant low brake pressure

I did do the stomp on pedal to try to center pads thing, maybe not hard enough though.

They are Kragens 'Brakebest' brand, not sure if thats any better than the 'Brakeware'. I have took the switch bracket off and pulled the pedal all the way back and pushed it all the way down a few times and that didnt change anything. (Ill try again today when Ive got it out) There is nothing else on the MC its just the cast Iron MC with the backing plate and rod that go into the cab then the lines that come out the other side, so I'm not sure what/where this "residual pressure valve" is and from what I remember thre was nothing extra on the one that failed.

No, I didnt transfer anything from the old WC's to the new ones, And yes Ill take a few pictures when I'm working on it today.

Thanks for all the suggestions

Ill try tightening them all the way and beeding them today, then loostening them till they slightly drag