Another champion thread

I look at thos eand they seem to be well made

I also start a tread on it and only 1 guy response to it dont remember is name and he told me there were pretty good for the price

and also fit pretty good

for sure will be on the next order

My radiator in 3 row only cost me like 200 bucks.\\:D/

You can buy a "be cool" radiator for twice that, but it wont cool you any better. They need to "be cool" with their prices. And quality wise they are close with the be cool being a little better in the weld department I think.

Either one is light years ahead of what you get handed to you from the factory.

I'm not positive, but I think the A body radiator is also around 200 bucks.
I think you can even get them in 4 row IIRC, but I dont know why you would even need that much.