got suspension and brake parts FS

times must be getting tough and the price of steel must be up. i had the damndest thing happen to me. while i was at work today somebody took all the scrap steel i had stored behind my shed. including 2 five gallon plastic buckets i had all the parts in that i listed for sale. to add insult to injury they even kept the buckets. i was saving most of this to make a run to the recycler to get some extra cash but apparantly somebody beat me to it.

i have have an alley that runs behind my house right by my storage shed. usually if i have a little bit of scrap metal i leave it by my trash dumpster and somebody usually takes it. this is the first time somebody actually came on my property and stole my scrap metal outta my back yard. i had a lot of stuff there it must have taken them awhile to load it up. i will ask my neighbor if they saw anything unusual. thank god i didnt leave anything back there i wanted to keep.

so to end the story. the brackets you want along with the bucket they were in are now somewhere else now.

