a little peeved this morn. child being picked on by the school.

That is some very good advice......
Rigrunner, has the school gone as far as to contact you, yet? If not, then I wouldn't push the issue. If they have, your son's demeanor and grades will go a long why to putting the issue to rest, as will your staying calm about it. Usually the first one to show their ***, loses.

Tell your son to simply keep up the good work at school, and not to lose his cool if some one of authority approaches him about it. He needs to remain calm, and respectful. Not doing so will not help his situation. If it gets to the point where you are contacted, you need to do the same. Remain calm and respectful, and listen to what they have to say. Let them fully explain their side of the story, and PAY ATTENTION. most people worry about formulating a response while listening. Don't do that, as you might miss something that will help your cause. It's even alright to take notes.

When you respond, do so without sarcasm, and without attempting to disprove every point they make, even if you can. Besides saving some of your argument for a later date, if necessary, bu letting some of their points remain unchallenged, you will appear more fair, and seem willing to compromise, and by doing so, you don't raise their ire which could possibly result in their not being willing to accept your comments as true, constructive and fair.

If you meet with them, remember that you're on their turf, but, it's still important that you maintain control of your demeanor, your son's demeanor, and the conversation.

.....this message will self destruct in 30 second. As usual if you or any of your IM force is caught or killed the secretary will disavow any of your actions. Good luck Mr. Rigrunner!