a little peeved this morn. child being picked on by the school.

My first reaction is to tell the school to go to hell.

But another thing to consider is this -- parents (I am one) are always bitching about teachers not teaching well, bullying, etc etc etc. Well, how the kids dress is part of the environment and part of how the school is trying to control the kids. So I sort of understand why they are addressing it. A mohawk is like yelling "HEY LOOK AT ME!!!!!!" The kid who wears one is looking for attention. If its ok for one kid to wear a mohawk to get attention, then a short skirt on a girl or baggy pants showing their underwear on boys, and the goth kids wearing chains and nose rings etc would also need to be OK.

Self expression is great but it can also cause issues.....the school is just looking to avoid issues.

IMHO, school kids should have some standards in place. My one kid likes his hair spiked, which we are Ok with but I would draw the line at a pink colored mohawk.....thats just me and my upbringing.

I dunno. Its all so subjective.

Short term, I think you should ask the school about the other kids and their mohawks....if one kid cant wear them , none should.

Height regulations for hair...LOL Man, dont the school officials remember the 80s and big hair?! LOL