help? clutch wont disengage

Ok I received the clutch pak from Brewers after work on Fri. It was a balmy 38 when I started taking everything apart on the Dart this morning. when I got the pressure plate off I laid it next to the 10" one I ordered from brewers and the 3 fingers were definately longer on the new 10" pressure plate. So I was thinking this could be it. Sure enough I got everything back in and pushed in the clutch and shazam easily went all the way to the floor no problems. I had my son come out and work the clutch while I got underneath it and checked everything out. It was the brand new 9 1/4" pressure plate this whole time! It was just a faulty piece. Now I am going to see if auto zone will return it. They better after almost driving me insane. Thanks to everybody and your words of wisdom.