Project Plain Jane

Some pics of the welder mod. The welder itself is a csuper crappy sp rate to 75 amps. It was purchased a long time ago,before I knew anything about welders,otherwise I woulda never bought it. It is barely capable of runing the carbon arc torch. The poor thing has a 2% duty cycle! I modded it with the addition of a bathroom fan at the end to draw air through and keep things cool. Seems to work ok,but I do trip the breaker in the house! The entire breaker panel is 15 amp breakers. So again I need to make a mod and replace at least one 15 amp breaker with a 20 amp.

I like this coupler system! It's a you build it system. I bought 3 connectors and 6 lugs,soldered all the leads and put it all together in about an hour.

The feature I like best is the connector size itself,being large and chunky means no fiddling about.Easy to plug in and take out! The leads/lugs can be removed in case you feel like reversing polarites without too much trouble.

One connector must be mounted to the welder or a solid point.

You can see the solid lugs. Under the silver plate they are solid copper.

Easy to plug together!
