Desert Car Kings

Craters and dents? Can you explain in what segment of the show you see craters and dents? I have it on DVR and would like to go back and see if I can see myself, as a learning experience.

I keep hearing "butcher job" ....still trying to figure out how that assessment can be made given the way the show is cut together.

The finished car is shown in several 2 second (tops) cuts and from various see craters and dents in those shots?

Point out exactly what makes it a butcher job as its final product.....cause I have been an editor for over 20 years and feel like I am a pretty good judge of detail when it comes to tv production and I can't see it. I am not as experienced as many of you here when it comes to restoring cars, so I would like to know what to look for.....but my common-sense seems to say that for a driver-quality car, what they do is not far from where it needs to be.

I think the main complaints are coming from the ridiculous staging and drama. That and the fact that they are using the term restored. I know that from my own personal view, from being in the restoration industry for twenty years, what they do is not restoring a car. At best it's rebuilding. The closest anology I could give would be to take a 318 out of a truck, painting it chevy orange and calling it a numbers correct hemi.