440 Source Questions

Plik - I have first hand experience with two... First one on a buddy's 505 when they first came out. Pout water in... It would leak out overnight... Through the casting. (porosity issue) They replaced it but he had to pay shipping to CT from CA and it pushed his dyno session back because he lost the date as racing season was coming up. Second was a 505 I built for a customer. No leaks, butt he holes for the thermostat were not drilled properly, or spaced properly (holes too close to each other). I simply modified the new thermostat housing to fit and ran it. But for the extra money... If I need an aluminum housing, MP fits and doesnt leak.

Challenger - I think it comes down to the guy checking the stuff. I've seen "inspections" that incldued unwrapping the parts and looking at them. And I've done inspections that left me with two measurements per journal and the rods lubed with the proper lubricant and cycled 3 times. All depends on the eyes that choose to look or don't. The parts are average quality and good value even when you do have to fix soemthing. They are not excellent parts for great value. But average is ok for some, and in any average there will be parts that are actually perfect...lol. Just not consistently perfect...