3.90 YES or NO?

I agree with POS Dakota. Non-OD and low gear makes for a lousy street car.

Hell, even with the 3.91 it gets old spinning it to 2800 at 40-ish.

I put 3.55 in the Chally (which has a 318), and that's plenty for a cruiser. A 318 is only gonna have so much umph anyway.

I think a converter would help the car more than the gear with fewer side effects.


Expect it feels right and 2nd gear goes when needed--fast passes on 2 lane roads. Plus its easier to move forward in 3rd gear and make the lights before they turn red. My gas mileage stinks but my driving record shines...and only hit one car last season, ha ha..wasn't my fault she didn't look far down the road. Was able to pop the front bumper back out and pocket most the $500 I got from her insurance company, lol

A decent semi quiet exhaust is a must. The punks tell me it needs louder mufflers when they look at it idling...driving thou its perfect.