Show your slant 6 a body!

Roadworthy again! :)



Starting with a stock old man's car I:

Replaced a damaged fender
Rebuilt the front end
Swapped the 904 automatic for a 4 speed
Added 11.75 disc brakes
Swapped in a 3.21 geared 8 1/4 rearend
Added 1" Torsion Bars
Added Bilstein Shock Absorbers

Since these pictures I've welded in subframe connectors.

It's quickly becoming a fun econo-cruiser that handles.

Next step:

Install the new fuel tank sender, finish welding in the replacement floor pans and swap in the Super Six setup. Maybe some wheel spacers in the back to bring the rear wheels out a bit more. Then work on the cosmetics and interior a bit.

Then just drive it! :)
