New to site...old to boost!

Sorry for the long hiatus....slowly been working on the car and finally got it up and running with the squirt and was able to get it to the dyno....was fighting a breakup but after about 6 hours on the dyno we found the culprit....the MSD distributor cap.....

Got some good tuning done and made some headway with power.....

I was on a friends Mustang Dyno (which is usually about 10-15% lower than a dynojet, atleast when loaded)

at 10psi the car made 710hp at the tires at 6100rpms unloaded ,670 loaded)
at 17 psi it made made 846 hp loaded
at 22psi made 980 loaded at 6500rpms and 900 torque at 5200

damn if the boost don't come on hard and fast, especially with the higher boost

was running possible winter blend of e-85 so we did not push it any harder....

probably going back in a few weeks once I get the car on the street to do some further tuning and crack 4-digits.

Damn those are some good numbers!
Glad to hear that you got the MS working good.
Did you log any of your Intake Air Temps? Just curious.
Do you think when using e85 that a squirt of meth injection would help keeping the Intake Charge any cooler?