Oversized valves: good or bad?
The same "good or bad" arguement can be made for anything. 12:1 compression pistons are "bad" if you wanna run pump fuel. A cam with .260*
[email protected]" is "bad" without other things that make it work well. A loose converter is "bad" without deep gears. Likewise, without good flowing headers, a well thought out intake and carburetor and maybe even some head porting big valves can be "bad" too. But all that stuff that can be "bad" can be just as "good" if used with the correct combination of parts. Are big valves "bad" as a stand alone modification in an otherwise stone stock engine? Probably, but I don't know anybody who would do that .....unless perhaps in a turbo application. Then it might have some merit. It's just like the car as a whole. If the induvidual parts don't match the overall combination, anything can be "bad".