Which coolant and mixture is best?

I run Evans waterless coolant with very good results; see here, here, and here for discussion and here for the company's website. It is costly but beneficial -- not only in terms of engine-cooling performance, but when there's no water in the cooling system there's no corrosion, and when there's no pressure in the cooling system all the hoses, solder joints, seals, and gaskets are under a great deal less stress.

hey dan. was thinking about getting this stuff for my dart. i read through those threads you linked to some and have a couple questions...

one. does it actually run cooler or hotter once in the car? you have me all confused with the two posts... sounds like the answer is it will run hotter on the guage.

Anecdotal/practical: The folks I've known long enough to know they're not BS artists, who have tried this stuff, report their cars run cooler with the NPG+ coolant than with ordinary coolant/water — without having changed to a different radiator, water pump, or anything else.

Coolant: 440_Magnum is correct, the reports of lower temp gauge readings with Evans NPG+ waterless coolant are nonsensical (or possibly the result
of other cooling system changes done at the same time, e.g. big new radiator replacing small old one). For any given set of conditions, the temp gauge will read higher, because there's more heat in the coolant (less in the engine metal).

with it running hotter ya think it will have any effect on the oil?

sounds like it doesn't freeze at anywhere near where any of our cars would be which is good.

what do you think about a car that pings on this new crappy gas. think it would cool or remove enough extra hear from the cyl. to help that? if so it may really help a lot of guys out don't you think?

think the stuff is legal on the race track? is it slippery like a glycol? does it clean up ok?

what happens if you have problems away from home, can you mix it with water if needed to get ya home in an emergency?

looking at the video on their site it looks like the only mileage improvement would be from raising the fan thermosat so it comes on later. with a regular mechanical fan do you see any difference in mileage?