Turbo 383 in a A-body Barracuda

Tech Line thermal coating. Was machining done allowing for coating ?
Film thickness will vary from .0003” to .0015” of a inch
You don`t want things to tight.

My pistons set .040 down the hole. I also will be using a MLS headgasket which is .040 thick. Should be plenty of room. I also used a sanding roll on a dremel and knocked the sharp crowns off the valve releifs. I couldn't find any 120 grit Aluminum oxide anywhere around these parts so I ordered 10 pounds from Midway and it should be here Monday. Then I can blast the top of the pistons and use my airbrush to coat them. Just gonna cook them in the oven at 300 for an hour. As soon as this is done the rotating assy. goes to get balanced. I still need to finish the split at the bottom of the DP. Gonna try and get that done tomorrow. Keep getting interupted.