Tuning a carb for 1st gear performance

Ok... This isnt as stupid as it sounds I promise. I've finally gotten the damn car to stay running, and its got another issue. Off the line its pathetic. I mean, I realize its a 318 but DAMN, if i hit the gas it should go SOMEWHERE. It doesnt sputter or anything, it just doesnt really go anywhere until I get to 30mph and then it just goes like hell. I mean its a totally different car.

How do you setup a carb for jumping off the line? Gimme your ideas and after I tear this damn carb down tomorrow I'll give your ideas a shot.

Yes, its fun as hell to get this thing on the road again. A huge shout out to everyone who helped.

Edit - What rods/jets should I be using? I think I may have massive jets in, and I'd imagine running rich would cause this problem. What are the stock rods/jets so I'll have somewhere to start?