Musicians, post your stuff...

Hey gang... So.. I was thinking, a week or so ago in Adams thread selling a couple of his guitars, he posted a vid of him (and band) doing 'Folsom Prison Blues'.. and this got me wondering.. I realize there are probably ALOT of musicians in the FABO family, so maybe it would be cool for those who may have vids to share to post them here for the rest of the family to watch and hopefully enjoy.. Get a taste of what people do when they're not playing with their Mopars LOL ..

Now hopefully this thread hasnt been done already and if it has I apologize in advance. I know there have been threads asking if there are other musicians, whos your favorite musicians etc etc... Cant wait to see what people post and what people think...

So.. I'll start it off.. this is about a minute and a half of me noodling around, doing a quick tribute to my music hero, Eddie Van Halen.. I call it 'Little Eruption'.. lol.. just a couple of tidbits from his classic 'Eruption' with my own touch... its not perfect, im on the rusty side, and the lighting isnt the greatest.. but hopefully you all enjoy....

[ame=""]YouTube - Little Eruption[/ame]