
I wasn't going to comment on this, however, every time I go into a post to read it now i'm staring at spelling and punctuation.....
Most of the time it has to be pretty atrocious for it to make me cringe. I'm not a college graduate, nor would I say that i'm exceptionally bright, but I at least try to make myself understood.
After 8 years in the army, you become jaded to poor spelling and punctuation. Have some enlisted soldiers do a sworn statement and 80% of the ones you get back will be near illegible. I have had E7's that I had to edit what they wrote to keep them from sounding like a complete bumbling idiot to Brigade staff.
A friend of mine, who by the way, is an awesome guy consistently spells "get" as "GIT" and refuses to acknowledge and attempt to fix. Consistent errors bug me more than anything else, because I see it as being happy with being ignorant, and a lack of motivation to be better.