CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

All in all the best thing was, no one was hurt.
Pulling things with FOTO wench YES, tranny NO!!!

Put it in park. Chock rear drivers side with aluminum semi trailer chock with built in teeth. Things stress tight, FOTO sets back and lowers into chock while the wench is pulling, once FOTO movement stops, few more cracks and pops while watching the wench to make sure it doesn't flip and roll up inside my diamond plate deck like a burrito. Then WHATEVER is hooked moves. In some of the bad ones we have had to unhook and rehook at several different angles to steer skid them out (like fishing) onto a loading surface. If they are in all the way to the floor pans, roll back can kinda "flip" them up a little then out. I have had to jack them up and put a board over the tire holes in soil B4 loading. I have also been known to put FOTO front tires on ramps to lower rear of deck to where it's about a foot high. However, if they don't roll or steer and all you got is ramps, you're heading into roll back territory again. The ramps will have a tendency to lift out and push up onto truck when wheels won't spin. In the past I have worked around that by "Blocking" with wood the tops of the ramps to the under rocker on the car. The blocks have to be long enough to stay in contact with the car during the pull until enough downward force as to hold down the ramps. Have to repeat process for the back. Unload at yard with their fork lift.

The thing that makes me feel the best is, I'm helping the environment by removing toxins from peoples property. Metals, automotive liquids, pastics, the whole shmear gets removed instead of it slowly melting into the soil over the course of a few decades.:cheers:

All I can do is deal honestly and fairly with everyone untill they try to screw me then look out! LOL! I usually just get screwed then move on. LOL!

I have heard many stories and could easily start a Discovery channel show.
The one that made me feel the best was helping an Iraqi vet home on leave. Wife forgot oil while he was over there. He needed MOST $ NOW! to get another car before he went back. One of my best buyers is a vet too. We both used to be airdales, him 20 & retire me 4. Anyway set up the deal from my desk and had a driver picking his car and paying cash. The money at my end got paid to the vet along with his car price and my buyer aranged the pick truck & driver and the cash for the car!! (All I had in was advertising, phone calls, little of my time, and alot of fast begging and owing favours. I told my buyer, I wouldn't cross check his pricing with other buyers for the next 3 cars I sold him!! LOL!!)
The vet called right B4 noon. I'm setting down with a turkey sandwich. He says, Hey John Thanks man!! WOW! A driver just left and said you sent him and handed me a wad of cash that was alot more than we discussed. How much? Yeah that's OK I found another buyer who paid more. Good Luck and get back here in 1 piece when ya get done with the tour. God Bless you man and Thank YOU for serving your country. Keep your head and *** down!!

Enough for now, didn't need to bore everbody, but it has been very strange the past couple weeks. I need to start going to auctions and get them that need cleaning and body work and haul them home insted of these mudd puppies!:-D

I know Karma is on my side but if any of yall see karma anywhere please inform him or her where I'm at and how to get ahold of me, K?:happy10: