The Post Office blows!

[QUOTE='64 Cuda]I'm curious. What reason did they give for denying your claim? Might help the rest of us cover our asses if we have to deal with them.[/QUOTE]

Fedex says that being I was the receiver I can't file the claim. They say the shipper has to file the claim. The problem is the shipper, a private guy on the internet was moving and this rearend was the last of the stuff he had. By the time I realized there was a problem, about a week and a half, the guy I bought it from had already moved. It is just a lame excuse on fedex's part I faxed them proof that it was payed in full but they still denied my claim. I have talked with other people, some business that were the shippers and they were denied claims. Fedex knows it is more trouble than it's worth for us to try and collect. I contacted both my attorney generals office and the department of transportation for interstate theft but it is small potatoes for them and they won't do anything.

Here's something that is the kicker. When a fedex driver picks up an item it is scanned. Then when it gets to the depot and is unloaded it is scanned. Every time it moves to a different location, truck, plane ,etc it gets scanned. the only time it was scanned was from the driver. The driver recognized what it was and took it for him or herself and it never made it to the depot. I told fedex to think about that and that their driver stole the item. They say they only hire law abiding people and that could never happen. So when I asked them how is it them it was never scanned at the depot and only scanned by the driver. Their reply was that items can fall out of a truck unnoticed when the door is open. Then I reply look at the freight bill, 50" long, 90lbs just falls out of a truck and doesn't get noticed? seems odd. She replied it does seem odd, but that is were it ended. No money no rear end.
