Im stumped, It's missing and ticking.

dustertogo said
Was the timing chain set new? If so, it's not likely at all that you've jumped. I've seen high mileage motors with timing chains "flopping" that had not jumped. Still sounds more like a plug or plug wire by it not being a constant miss or "dead cylinder". Visually check all plugs for cracks and all plug wires for any defects paying close attention to the boots. Good luck.

Thats what I was thinking, the chain is the new one I got when I went to the cam shop (smae one thats in the pics).

The wires are pretty much brand new got them about 2 weeks ago. The plugs are a couple of months old and I just pulled them again today and rechecked each one and they are still fine. I am going to yank off the carb and see if theres anything screwed up with it's gutts. Maybe I will get lucky and its just a float out of whack.
Watch Im going to get up Saturday sometime and pop the hood and look down and find some stupid wire or something that is the most simple thing to fix and it will be fixed in about 2 seconds....god, cars are dumb!