~ A Bunch Of Car Stuff ~

If grassy doesn't snatch up that MSD Blaster SS coil I'll snag it. :-D I'll be patient for the tach pictures.

Yes, it's 3:30 in the morning and I just came in from the shop. You aren't the only one who had a long day Jim.

How's that rum??? LOL What kinda deal can I make??????????


Here you go.............


This is a three wire tach.


The dimensions are............

I wrote this down....................

I noticed that Tach is not on zero, it may need to be serviced.

It measures 2 13/16" across the ring, the body is 2.670" and it's 2.440" from the back of the ring to the ***.

Marked "Auto meter products inc., Elgin ILL, USA, M133AMD2, Model 268.

A deal?

For you?

You are always helping people, and you're a good sport.

If the coil is available, you can have it and the tach $25.00 and some cheap shipping.