Counterfeit Cars on FABO!!!

Another good Example , Taking a car you own and rebuilding it to what it was is OK using whatever means . But taking a car you own and just adding the vin is a no! no!. It could never have the complete package if you only ever had the vin and not the car. Or just the opposite if you own a Dart sport and it is titled dart sport it should stay a dart sport not a Demon. There was a guy that built a 72 duster 340. from a 73 318 car. It was a reall nice car and by its looks it was the real deal if you didn't know these cars. He Had it appraised as a 72 340. Then had it insured for its appraisal. Soon after he got into an accident his fault????, No one else involved????, collected the insurance. over 25k!!!!, It wasn't until several months later the insurance saw the discrepency in the year of manufacture on the registration vs. the appraisal . He was arrested for insurance fraud and charged with a felony he was also charged with altering the car without getting a reconstructed title . He got five yrs. Spent three. He lost his house and his family. One of his freinds he tried screwing is now with his wife. What he did was screwed himself. and he's paying for it. He tried to drag the appraisal shop in but he filled out the information including the year himself. and then he went after the body shop but the reciept stated 1973 Duster race car and he supplied the parts for the redo , the body guy covered himself . And then he came after me because I sold him the parts and they were for the wrong year. Luckly I didn't install the tailight section. He drug every one in that was involved even his freinds. he just wanted to get out of what he did. Saying he had no idea they were not the correct parts. I had gotten local car show entries where he entered as rare 1972 Duster 340. That proved he knew what he was saying he had, and his intent. Those of you out there who are making cars look like something they are not , this is illegal, and anyone knowingly involved even if it is mentioned you knew and were part of the proccess you are as guilty. Ask the friend who went down with him . Reconstructed titles must be gotten if you choose to alter a cars appearance and they must meet todays emmission standards for your state. And good luck with that.