Counterfeit Cars on FABO!!!

i have a rather interesting tale that i was told by a universal technical institue teacher, he taught the transmission class. he was going thru a divorce and he had a big house, a boat lots of money, and two Road runners, one a 73 and one 74, one was a mint 440 car ( he never said if he put the motor in himself or not so dont hold me to say its all factory original) the 74 was a full blown drag car, and he had two parts cars. now take a wild guess as to wat the ***** wanted? yup thats right she didnt want the house or the boat or the money, nope she wanted those two cars. and judge appointed them to her! so my teacher sat around drinking for 3 days and got an idea, they only checked the dash vins, not the doors or under the hood. so he ripped the dash out of both good cars and swapped them with the parts cars, and gave them to the pick up guy, she had a cop waiting at her house to make sure the vins were correct, on the dash only again he didnt check the doors or under the hood, she btched and bitched and said these are the wrong ones, the cop said the vins match, congratulations you got your settlement, you are now the proud owner of two pieces of ****. and he left. so vin swapping saved his cars well that and he had to have about 2 grand worth of dash work done to each. so i guess its illegal, but if it actually happened, he did save his cars.