Counterfeit Cars on FABO!!!

I'm not saying that at all, maybe you should read a little slower. What I am saying is that if all you have is a VIN and a title, and you build a car around it, that is a re-VIN. I understand that many people totally restore their cars, and that sometimes you dont know where the restoration starts and the car ends. It is a very fine line, and there are arguments on both sides depending mostly on whether you are the one that owns the vehicle.

I didn't take this part of your comment as removing the VIN>>> As to replacing every piece of the car around a VIN, thats wrong too. I'm sorry, but if a Hemi Cuda convertible gets squashed, or rusted to the point of no return, its not ok to resurrect it by using another vehicle

It's up to the owner to decide what the point of no return is, not anyone else...