Counterfeit Cars on FABO!!!
So let me get this straight.... We have had major geological disruptions to our earth in the last month, our economy is in a state of dire need, our president is single handedly trying to make us turn into a 3 world country, there is talk about banning the American Flag in schools, my yard guy didn't put enough mulch around my trees, and I have sunburn from the bright Hawaiian sun. The point is WHO REALLY GIVES A CRAP about what someone is doing to their cars? If I want to take my 68 Dart and put a corvette front on it and sell it, who's responsibility is it to find out what the car really is? It's the buyers responsibility period.... you really think some jerk off Ebayer is going to tell you the truth? Get a clue fellas.. This isn't Mr. Rogers neighbor hood. This is the world we live in today.