edelbrock carb tuning?

Dude, you can't tell someone what springs, jets, and suck to run on their crab from a computer............

AND I have had 1406's that ran pretty fat in stock form, a lot depends on the cam, manifold, head, timing, altitude, gears in the car.............................

EGGGSACTLY!!!!!! That was a joke!! after reading all the prev & post advice it is even funnier!!
The only way to do it properly is to take it to a frame dyno. the o2 will tell you how rich or lean it is and adjustments are made from there.....and like someone else said EVERYTHING ELSE HAS TO BE working properly or its a false tune. SPEND THE MONEY IT IS WORTH IT!!!

NO one can accurately diagnose ANYTHING over the internet...they can get you close to an area to check out( IF the description of what is happening is accurate...BIG IF)....but tuning a car, ONE MUST be present in order to do it correctly....is it poppin back, is there a dead miss, is it hard to start....listen to it run...does it sound close? ...how do you do that stuff over the internet?