You're welcome. At least I know somebody is appreciating them. You ladies put up with all of our "guy talk" without complaining, you deserve a few jokes for yourself. I'm glad that you like them.
I, like you, can laugh at jokes about myself or men as well as the women jokes. Everybody needs their turn to laugh. Besides, as much as they hate to admit it, men like it when a few (or more) women hang around.
After posting the last set, I thought that I should have saved them for mother's day. Oh well.
Anyhow, enjoy the jokes. They are for all the women of FABO out there that keep us guys motivated. The main reason we build nice looking fast cars is to impress you....
Also, Cudachick, DON'T DRINK AND READ THE JOKES! I don't want you to ruin your monitor with another "spit take"...