Got My Disablity!

"Somebody wants to take a crack at "their" tax dollars supporting people on disability needs to know that we pay taxes outta that disability too. It's not like people on disability aren't still contributiong to the tax base. We are."

From an Economics standpoint, that is just not possible. Did you watch the Milton Friedman video, I think he does a good job of explaining the principle behind the "broken window" theory.

Don't take this as a personal attack, it's just a short lesson in economics.

I haven't taken anything as a personal attack...and believe me, I don't need a lesson in economics. My uncle is one of the top economists in the nation......not that that makes me anything, but here I know what I am talking about. I can show you on paper work where I do not get back everything that that I am paid on disability every single year since 2001 when I was awarded it. I PAY taxes on my disability and I have proof. Whether you can understand or not is not really of consequence to me.