is this a good turbo choice?

According to the turbocharging book I read, diesel turbos have a different oil seal that isn't designed for the higher vacuum of gasoline engines, allowing oil to be drawn into the compressor side of things if swapped over. I have no idea if this is true, but I ran it past a John Deere mechanic buddy of mine and he thought it made sense. He said diesels basically don't make vacuum? News to me

Diesel engines have no throttle; when theywwant them to idle, the injectors just spray in less fuel. They can get away with that because Diesels are not restricted to the narrow mixture requireements that gasoline engines have to use in order to have combustion.

Gasoline engines need a fuel/air mixture that is in a rather narrow range, or combustion will not occur. I think it's somewhere in the area between 8:1 to 16: 1, but Diesels will run with a much wider mixture range than that.

So, they run without a throttle.... no butterflies.... wide open, all the time, and the power output is regulated simply by adding more fuel in the injector spray, or less if less power is needed, like at an idle.

So, without butterflies in the induction system, they don't make vacuum like a gasoline engine does.

Since they never have a vacuum in the intake manifold, they don't need the kind of seals that would be required on a gasoline engine.

Hope this helps.