Got My Disablity!

First off, a DISCLAIMER! I dont know any of you personally. I am sure everyone here is a good honest person and nothing I am about to say is aimed at any one person or post individually.

Second, to Brian - congrats on winning your was a long haul for you and I am sure that the win lets you breath a sigh of relief for a change.

That said -- since Brian put this out there, its fair game for comment from all, and comment people did! LOL

I think the way this thread flared up the way it did just shows the overall attitude of the average taxpayer of the US.

"I am tired of people living off of my tax money but if I can get some for myself I will take it"

Dont get me wrong. SDI is a godsend to many. Someone who can no longer ambulate around cant do the same kind of work he or she may be accustomed to.

But does that mean that there is NO kind of work that person can do?

And if they CAN do other work, why shouldn;t we as a people insist they do?

I know a person (know them very well) that is on SSDI and continues to work on cars, work on the house etc. Went on SSDI at age 45. He's now 60 ish.

I asked him about how he can still do that kind of work as a hobby when he is claiming he cant do that kind of work at a job.

He says he gets tired easy.

Well, hell...I get tire every day at work and I muddle through somehow.

He had a minor stroke and now pretty much milks it. Meanwhile there are people out there with crippling pain or disabilities who somehow find a way to work and produce.

But hey, its not my call. Its the gubment's. If you can get it, go for it, I tells him.

Problem is, he has to be sneaky about everything he does so he doesnt get turned in to the SSDI folks.....he says they have agents out there who watch for this sort of thing...not sure if that is true or not.

I couldn't live that way.

I, frankly, take offense at the way he does this.

Yeah, he paid into the SSDI the same way that we all pay into our auto insurance or homeowners insurance. Can you imagine if EVERYONE made a claim on their auto insurance all at once? We could bankrupt an industry.

SSDI is nothing more than a nationalized income insurance plan.

To me, he is collecting something that he really shouldnt be due.

He is making it so that the legitimate folks who NEED disability cant get it when the yneed it and that sucks.

I have a bad back...hurts like a **** every day. I also have a bad foot.

Still, I figure that if I can find a way to roam around Carlisle looking at parts and cars or that I can work on my car as a hobby, I should be working.

Maybe my outlook will change as I age.

Only the person collecting SSDI can really say if he/she can or cannot honestly work at a job....any job...or if he/she is just looking to collect.

To those of you currently collecting, God speed and hope you feel better.