x-pipe and exit in front of rear tires?
Thanks. I am interested to see how these sound? I'm looking for a loud deep rumble..lol
Thanks guys for your input thus far...I have decided to run my exhaust on the side like I planned, however, I am not going to use the TTI X-pipe, as they were kinda being douches at the show this weekend, which steered me away from them... so I'm going with another brand X-pipe...What have you guys used? I guess pypes makes a universal one I could fit to the car? Also I see they have a stainless one, which TTI Doesn't offer...
What do you guys think of the bullet style muffler from dyno-max? Are they like super loud? If I don't use the flowmaster 40's I'm looking for something close to that or similar. Borla also makes a bullet style muffler too...yall like those?