x-pipe and exit in front of rear tires?

H-Pipe vs X-Pipe.

Look at page 3.

The X-pipe will flow better than the H-pipe because the exhaust does not have to make 90 degree bends.

that article is nice and pretty wellthought out.but i would not bet my life on the findings in it,especialy regarding pipesizes and generalisasion about that you could step down in diameter after the mufflers and after the X-pipe
reason for this is, steping down in diameter on the tailpipes may only work ok on cars with traditional reflection mufflers,i doubt it works as good with absorbation mufflers,reason is that the exhaust pulse has a chance to slowdown inside the big body of the muffler and smoth out from being a short rapid pulse to just a slower moving flow.

with X-pipes you may be able to go down in size after the X but there is more to it, i would NOT do that with a regular X,since this will mean that you will probably end up with a sharp step where tubesize is decreased right after the x where the exhaust gas may have just started gaining velocity alitle after passing thru a section of a bend that was probably cut out alot more than it was suposed to to make the X,now you may wonder why would the factory cut out the bends to much,this is just a theory i have but look at the cheap ones and then look at the more expensive ones and you see the diference,its probably just to gain space for the welder that welds the pipes togheter. proper way to downsize the tubing after the X if its a well made x worth putting the effort towards would be to basicly cut out a slice of it from the rear all the way to the crosover and taper it down over a longer distance.

not sure if there realy is alot of flow thru the H-pipes,i think its basicly natural expansion to relief preasure and that wont disturb flow much if the mainexhaust tubing is just properly sized in the first place but sure i dont think they are perfect or anywhere near perfect for flow

another thing about X-pipes most of them look absolutely horrible on the inside its not uncomon to find big lumps of weld sticking into them,weldingwire,absolutely no deburing before welding and so on.and dont get me started on how i feel about the theoretical flowcharacteristics of those stamped steel ones..

yes its possible to be a person selling X-Pipes and still have some kinds of honor and honesty about them and to tell the truth

everytime i get a question about how they sound i always say what exhaust sound anyone likes is diferent from person to person,but i cant stand the sound of them on my own car but the few x-pipes i have heard in real life that sounds real good are either on mild engines with absorbationmufflers,or on hot engines with a minimum of mufflers behind them like dynomax bullets or similar.

i prefer H-pipes if a balancetube is needed to take down a few decibels and they usualy sounds a litle better,but i dont doubt that a wellmade X-pipe will make alitle more power and i know alot of people like the sound

back ontopic there realy is not alot of space for mufflers with the pipes out infront of the wheels if you want good groundclearance and a good looking system, i think dynomax has some superturbomufflers and magnaflow has mufflers with both inlet and outlet on the front of the mufflerbody wich will alow you to have your mufflers in the correct possition and keep them out of sight