Insurance companies suck!

demon seed said
The limits are, no drivers under the age of 25, no more than 2500miles/yr, Can't drive it to work, can only drive to cruises, car shows and picnics (it actually says that) and basically farting around. I can live with that and oh yea no racing of course.
Man, they forgot the " you can only drive it when less than two cars on the same road between 6am and 7am Saturdays only." LOL
My Challenger isn't a show car by any means, it's more like the first mopar many of us owned, bad paint, bad interior, but runs good. But there is no way I'm letting an insurance company tell me when or how I can drive MY car!
It's bad enough that many citys are making all these rules so they can tell you what YOU can do on YOUR own property and then to have the insurance companys doing it too.
I'm an Electrician so I'm always on a big construction site. I drive my Challenger to work every day in rush hour traffic, hour long commutes, in the rain, 110+ deg weather etc and I wouldn't give that up for anything.
Now if you have a bunch of Mopars then I could see how that could get expensive so I guess you have to do what you have to do, it just seems like alot to give up for something YOU own.