RHS head to Magnum crate.

Hey guys I have an opportunity to buy this engine with super low mileage :

Blueprint engines Chrysler 408 ci stroker motor.


The questions I have are:

i. Does anyone know these engines? Reliability/quality, 1st hand exp?
ii. Will a set of RHS LA heads bolt to this block and oil thru the deck like
a STD SB ? If not can the block be modded to oil thru the deck like a
STD SB when using the RHS LA heads?

I'm not interested in running the Magnum RHS head as I already have all the valvetrain pieces I need to run the RHS LA head and don't want to spend the $$$ twice.

Any input would be much appreciated thanx !!


I don't know how all of them are but I do remember a member here (Woody-something??) having problems with his. If I remember right he said it had a lot of blow by as soon as they installed it. The big problem was he bought it and had it setting around for 3-4 yrs. before they installed it so Blueprint wouldn't warranty it. When they tore it down they found it had pistons that required 5/32" rings but had 1/16" rings so they were loose and flopping around. Seems like he said there was another problem but I don't remember what it was.

As to what block series they are, here's a link to Blueprint's website that shows the engine.


It doesn't say what block they use, just that it's a seasoned block. Since the engine is painted black it's not real easy to tell but it looks to me like an LA block cause I only see the LA motor mount ears. Magnum's have another set of mounting pads for trucks. My guess is they probably use whatever block they have available that day so it could be either.