Captainkirk's Duster project

Running a business has proven to be a different cup of tea from directing one from the floor....but two (busy) years have passed, and we're still in business. And while we're earning less today than even two years ago due to the ravages of inflation, we're still in the black, even if just barely. Which says a lot compared to previous ownerships.
And so, there is my tale of woe, and an explanation as to why work on The Duke has slowed to a crawl; lack of funding and loss of free-time. But this project is far from dead, in my mind. I have aspirations and goals for the upcoming warm season that should move me ever closer to the finish line, and hopefully have lots of gory tales complete with pictures for all of you who have followed along and waited patiently for this thread to continue.
May the journey be a short one.....