1970 340 Balance Problem...Bottom Line

Ok I didn't mean to knock Mr. Shepard at all but as I look at what I wrote I can see it came out that way. Sometimes I write things that don't come out the way intended. As good as he is (and I know that an engineer would know more than me) I do know that he has some wrong info in his book in a couple of places. I read his book several months back and found a few mistakes and they didn't look like typos. One example is mentioned right here about him saying 340's through 73 had a steel crank when equiped with a manual trans. We have 2 examples posted here that show that. According to Locomotion I stand corrected on the balancer in the early yrs. I don't know when they started using the notched out balancer then because my 74 and my 79 360's both had the notched out balancer. Not one with a large counterweight. So have a good laugh on me guys.

Also ValliantMike your correct about the original poster saying it has the original crank in this post but I remember about 2 other posts of his about this same problem and IIRC that was questioned.