Tube Chassis Hemi Dart Project

Here is a pic of the aluminum panels I cut from 4x8 sheets. Each started out as a cardboard template and after cutting were beadrolled for strength and design. It took me about a month to completely fabricate the wheel tubs and panels. Since each is a one off piece I had to make sure my powdercoater guy was extremely careful not to drop or bend any. He did a perfect job and I'm lucky he did.

Absolutely impressive work that you have done here!!!!!!!!!!

How did you end up cutting the panels? It looks very clean and my impression is that alum can be hard to cut smoothly. Did you bead roll it all yourself? Was your frame a kit or all done from scratch? TIG or MIG. Please share more pix of the frame fab if you have 'em. I am going out to the garage right now to erect a shrine in your honor!! That car is crazy sicque. L8r
