Everybody, Let it go (minor rant)

and stop looking for trouble. Today's theme is 'let it go' and I'll include myself. Certain members of my family keep resenting things that happened in the past. All it does is make everyone miserable. Life is too short. Seems like everyone gets past it for a while and we have some great times, then it all turns to crap again. I'm the eldest son so I end up being the peace maker. These people need to start communicating with each other like adults. This latest thing could have been averted with one simple phone call for crying out loud! I want to say 'from now on, fight your own battles' but I am afraid if I do they will turn their wrath on me.

Half the stuff they're mad about didn't even happen the way they think it did! It's so f-ing stupid, just let it go, move on, and enjoy this short time we have together! This is something we can all take to heart to a certain degree.....thanks for listening, rant over.

Here's one for ya Goldie:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHnl7jNK6us"]YouTube - Trooper - Here For A Good Time (Lyrics)[/ame]