Pick Up Truck Forum?

Ok, since we're talking trucks - I have a 1995 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 and it regularly does what I call "the funky chicken" on the highway. The front end shakes violently and goes completely out of control. All I can do to stop it is hit the brakes. I researched online and apparently this is a pretty common problem and is referred to also as "the death shake". Although it's a common problem there doesn't seem to be any real solution. I've changed the stabilizer many times and the shake seems to dissapear for a while then comes back. I got new tires and it had no effect. They have been rotated, balanced, and aligned.
Anyone else out there with a dodge truck that they love dearly but are getting so frustrated with they are thinking about getting a ffff...ford?
Input appreciated as always!!
check your track arm out . my 98 did the same thing .