Desert Car Kings

I pretty much agree.. I have never been overly critical of these shows.. I kinda like them.. the only 'car' show I watch for information value is Gears with Stacy David.. other than that its all entertainment for me.. I agree some of the things they do on these shows is goofy.. sometimes dumb, or not what some of us might do.. but.. its not my stuff, isnt my car.. so.. I just sit back and enjoy... I will say though that the Charger episode was irratating to say the least when they broke that Dart glass... I mean really?? wtf is that all about.. are they saying NO ONE out there might need that quarter glass? Business must REALLY be great to just destroy salvageable parts.. They kept going on and on about Charger parts being IMPOSSIBLE to find, so lets go out in the yard and break something from a differant Mopar, because clearly parts are plentiful for those.. yea ok...

Its kind of like the annoying grab-*** that the people on American Chopper play.......building stuff just to wreck it, throwing bowling balls thru the drywall, ripping doors off their hinges. wrecking their own vehciles in an impromptu game of smash up derby.....but hey, its their stuff to do with what they please. Like you, I sit back and enjoy the mayhem and occasionally cringe.

I hate to see salvageable parts destroyed too.....of course I am a certified pack rat. LOL

Then again, could be that the window was heavily scratched or cracked already.......cant tell good from the camera shots what kind of shape that window was in.

And dont forget -- while we are Mopar fans and desecrating ANY Mopar is
a heinous crime, not everyone feels that a Dart is worth much. I know it hurts us to think that, but not everyone appreciates our Mopar iron. :crybaby:

They have cars stacked on top of one another there......makes me cringe -- but that is what they do at pretty much ANY salveage yard.

Its just metal and glass to them.

Frankly, I think the show works because it is doing exactly what the producers wanted to happen...people are talking about it (and in the TV/video biz ANY feedback is good feedback) and others are checking it out to see what they hub bub is. Check out pretty much any car forum out there and your will find at least one thread about the same exact topic....LOL :tongue3:

Backyard quick-fixes happen to old cars everyday in this country. My guess is that some of us here have done some "not 100% correct fix-em-ups".

DVAP is a the current business model they acquire a rusted hulk of a vehcile, make it run, slap some paint on it and sell it........its a flip, just like in housing.

Is it the "right" way to do it?

Probably not.

Then again, some of the cars they work on would not be worth a full-off professional restoration, money-wise.

Call them hacks, frauds, whatever -- at the end of the day, you and I have our toys that we dump tons of time and money into and will likely never get back and DVAP has a TV show paying them $$$$$ to refurb old cars that otherwsise would have likely just died a slow death. And the buyers have a base car that runs and drives that they can drive now and in the future add to if they want or just drive the hell out of.