FBO or MSD what do you use?
Timing numbers to start with 14-16 initial 34-36 total. You only need initial to start the motor so that number is not as important as the total. After it is running the quicker it gets to your total the better . That is why a locked distributor with a box that controls the initial is the best. With the digital 6 it lets the motor start a 20 degrees retarded as soon as the motor reaches 800 rpms it goes to your total and stays there. Allot of what you read is that you want your total to come in at 2500, this is so it doesn't effect the timing going up and down at an idle. This allot of times is the cause of a motor dying when dropped into gear, rpm's drop , timing retards , motor stalls, If you hold your foot on the gas the timing doesn't come back as fast and you can keep it running until the timing stabilizes then it may Idle. Or did you ever step on the throttle and have to leave off quickly it stalls do to timing retard. If you can hold your timing at its total after it is started. allot of these symptoms will disappear. This is hard to do with springs and weights but it can be done. Chrysler sells the light springs but allot use them ineffectively. I found that welding the inside of the advance slots and using one light and leave the medium in works better then welding the outside and using both light springs . It comes in the same but doesn't allow the timing to surge at an idle. But you still have 20 degrees retarded at idle even after welding the slots. Something you have to overcome to get total quicker. This is why I went to a digital 6 and believe me you will feel and hear the difference when your in total all the time even at an idle. An easy way to see the difference is to get a dial timing light. set your timing at idle to 35 btdc. See how much more responsive it is, now if only you could stop it from going over 60 Degrees and just hold it a that 35. Try it , it worked for me on many different motor's. Especially those of you who wanted the lopy idle from a bigger cam and then lost your low-end.