Desert Car Kings

We can all debate the meaning of "restored"

Merriam webster says its this:


verb \ri-ˈstȯr\
Definition of RESTORE

transitive verb
: give back, return

: to put or bring back into existence or use

: to bring back to or put back into a former or original state : renew

: to put again in possession of something

— re·stor·er noun
.learners-link div.learners-link-content { font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 13px; padding: 0pt 5px 0pt 22px; }.learners-link div.learners-link-content a .word { text-decoration: none; }.learners-link div.learners-link-content a:hover .word { color: rgb(83, 88, 169); text-decoration: underline; }#content .definition div.d .learners-link a, #content .definition div.d .learners-link a:hover, #content .definition div.d .learners-link a:link, #content .definition div.d .learners-link a:visited { color: black; font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-variant: normal; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none; } See restore defined for English-language learners »

.example-sentences ol.collapsed-list li.hidden { display: none; }li.more-sent-link { background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; }#content .definition div.d li.more-sent-link a.more-link, #content .definition div.d li.more-sent-link a.hide-link { color: rgb(113, 114, 116); font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; }#content .definition div.d li.more-sent-link a.more-link:hover .text, #content .definition div.d li.more-sent-link a.hide-link:hover .text { text-decoration: underline; }.example-sentences ol.expanded-list a.more-link, .example-sentences ol.collapsed-list a.hide-link { display: none; }#content .definition div.d li.more-sent-link span.icon { padding-right: 2px; }Examples of RESTORE

  1. The police restored law and order.
  2. The government needs to restore confidence in the economy.
  3. an antique car that is being carefully restored

Origin of RESTORE

Middle English, from Anglo-French restorer, from Latin restaurare to renew, rebuild, alteration of instaurare to renewFirst Known Use: 14th century

Related to RESTORE

Synonyms: freshen, recharge, recreate, refresh, refreshen, regenerate, rejuvenate, repair, renew, resuscitate, revitalize, revive, revivify

I would say that DVAP is doing definition #2 not #3.

Putting the cars back into use.

Its a legitimate use of the word restore.

You may noty agree, but its there in black and white.

In my opinion, part of the problem here is that the high end "car restorers" have bastardized the word to mean "make better than new"...they have raised the bar so high that now they have redefined a word in the industry.

It's semantics guys.

But what is being missed here is that some folks here are assuming that the folks buying these cars from DVAP are complete idiots.

Bear with me a second.

The accusations from folks here saying that the cars DVAP "restores" are hack jobs and so half assed that all you have to do is look briefly at the car to see the problems, on TV no less. I suggested in an earlier post that it might be hard to see paint problems in a 2 second shot of the paint or body on TV. I also said that you don't see much of what is going on behind the scenes and many steps are left out of the show.

I was countered with "its easy to see the problems if you know what to look for"...basically I was told I don't know what I am seeing.

Ok, lets go with that.

The folks going to these auctions to buy old cars are looking at and examining the cars closely, in person, for a while prior to the auction.

Aside from HIDDEN flaws, everything that folks here are saying is half-assed is obvious to see in person, right?

Tremendous orange peel, ripples, poor paint work is all stuff that is pretty obvious to see in person up close on a car.

Someone esle commented about how "the undercarriages are left as-is" (Do we really know that? Or is it that that stiff is never shown in the show??)

Someone looking at the car in person would see the orange peel and ripples and (hopefully0 see if the undercarriage was a rust bucket.

If they were that bad, the cars wouldnt sell at ALL. People going to look at classic cars are different than folks looking to buy a 10 year old daily driver for cheap at an auction.

The buyers obviously think the cars are in OK enough condition to buy them at the prices they paid. They may or may not agree with the word "restored" but they may feel the car is redone well enough to be a great driver for them...or a great starting point...

Not to mention, that a car that would be actually fully "restored" by the definition some here are using (as in put into perfect, like-new shape) would sell for WAAAAAAAY more money......if ALL classic cars were "restored" by the purist's vision of the word, it would be a hobby reserved for the few.

The other possibility is that maybe these cars dont actually ever sell and the "buyers" are plants for the TV show to make the TV episode end well.

Either way, its amazing how nasty the posts have gotten.

Its JUST a tv show guys. NO ONE here knows the full details of what was or wasn't done to a car based on watching the show. For every minute of footage that makes it to air on this show there is probably an hour of unseen footage. That is normal for a show of this type, with multiple cameras running all day.

What you WONT see are potential buyers finding and pointing out flaws or asking about problems they find...stuff that any car buyer would ask about if they see it. Or hours of sanding (or not)......Of course, thats left out...that wouldnt make good TV.

DVAP isnt pretending these are concourse ready cars. They are not, and the prices they get reflect that.

So basically, people here are getting pissed off and nasty about the use of the word "restore" abd accuse DVAP of being swindlers and hacks based on that?

I wish folks got this hot and bothered about the political hacks running our country as people here on this site and other sites are getting about orange peel and the use of the word "restore". :banghead:

Just my .02. I work in the restoration industry. We work extremely hard to restore a car back to original condition. Not only does it involve preserving original parts, it involves a huge amount of research, fact checking and verification, parts hunting and tedious amounts of time consuming detailed work. Yep, there are cars that are overrestored, things being too perfect, paint way over the top and whatnot. For these guys to say that they restore a car simply diminishes the craftmanship involved in a true restoration. Perhaps they should use the term revive or maybe rebuild.