Cage pictures

Please excuse my intrusion, but I must point out that it is not safe for anyone in the backseat of a caged car! Especially someone you love as dearly as your daughter. All those iron tubes can kill her if you are hit. Make any excuse you want, justify it anyway you want, but the bottom line is that cage can kill a rearseat passenger. Your cage by design protects and hard mounts the seats and front passenger. no way to do the same thing with the rear seat. That cross bar holding your seat back will smash her precious little face to bits. I made the same mistake and thought the same thing. However once I was educated I had to resign myself to the fact that my Duster is now a 2 person vehicle. My daughter can ride in the Duster in the front seat. Sorry to be a ballbuster, better now than after we have to read the thread announcing the passing of your backseat passenger. Nice looking car, my interior and cage is also going to be red. Keep sending pics. Dan