Bin Laden DEAD!!!!!

"Dude" are you stuck in a Fast Times at Ridgemont High moment, Dude?

Kudos to Obama... no doubt, its a proud day to be an American.

Per another post from Strokerscamp that best sums it up for me:
“You didn't hear his speech last night? That's all he did was stand there and talk about how it was all "under MY direction".
Talk about a campaign moment.
Of course, the other side would have been just as opportunistic.
100% of the credit should have gone to the forces that did the job, but it did not. Also, this is not something that's been a short term project. It has taken years to learn their habits and lifestyles and where to get them. They have been being picked off literally one or two at the time for years. No doubt The President does deserve some credit, but this is a YEARS long project that WAY more people than just he have been involved with.”

Well said.