23 spline v 18 spline

many thanks for the input, just been out for drive now, ive bushed the linkages,centered the hurst and aligned / adjusted rods to suit,the clutch is adjusted up nice now get this, engine off 1,2,3,4, reverse 100%,car running taking it steady all gears ok now if i give it a little prob going into second,came home, engine off,while looking at bottom of shifter while doing a moderate 1 -2 shift can see 3-4 lever moving a little. when shifting 3 -4 with again some moderation 1-2 still. you reakon i should be looking in shifter or gearbox?wondering if vibrations while moving maybe not holding the detent in nicley, its always goes into first but shifting to second somtimes pain then 3 3 sweet, thanks!:read2: