Could this have really happened!

I pulled my wheels! I haven't mentioned this but feel the need to now for some reason. A few weeks ago I took the Dart out. It was a crisp morning about 45*. I went out to the highway to Guitar Center. Leaving I grannied out the driveway onto a major 5 lane highway and NAILED her.
She bit hard as I was driving around with about 20psi in the tires. The nose came up fast and hard more so than I can remember in the past and I was thinking this as I turned the wheel to center in my lane as I was heading into the lane next to me. To my surprise the car would not respond to the corrective steering. I let off the throttle and hit second gear, the nose came down and she steered as expected. I let out a WHHOOOHOOOOO! and nailed her again. My explaination, SHE PULLED THE WHEELS!!!!!!!!
Thats my story and I'm sticking to it. Can I get a WHOOOHOOOO!