ICBC Bull S**T

The U.S. isn't any better. I needed a drivers abstact from Washington state years ago for my insurance company. When I was at the government offices the lady printed it out for me. I looked at it and was getting ready to walk out when she said it was $5.00 if I wanted to take it. I said if I don't take it what are you going to do with it, she says put it in the trash can. So I say let me get this right, I have to pay $5.00 for it but the trash can can have it for free? The trash can must pay more taxes than I do, She didn't thing that was funny and snatched it from me and tossed it in the trash. I picked it out of the trash and said thank you and started to walk out. She yells to me she's calling the police, I say go ahead and kept walking. Stupid liberal Washington state government doesn't have any common sense or logic. I'm surprised they can actually feed themselves and don't starve to death.
